Do you think “manifesting” is a bunch of hocus pocus woo woo crap?
Do you WANT to believe, but find your skeptical mind getting all up in the way?
Or maybe you think it’s some white girl pseudo science privilege nonsense and you’d rather never hear about it eeeeeeever again?!
I get it, I do.
It’s a total buzzword, cure-all, spiritual and cultural phenomenon right now and you can’t look at the internet without tripping over someone manifesting their dream life blah blah etc.
It can seem too good to be true, or too woo woo to be true, depending on where you’re coming from.
But in my experience, when you get it right it fucking WORKS.
You may have noticed that a lot of “successful” people, business people, and entrepreneurs believe in the “law of attraction.” (And just as many wouldn’t call it that, but do use these same prinicples to create success and meet their goals.)
And here’s the thing:
“Manifesting” is really just “goal setting” that we really, really 100% profoundly believe in the outcome of, and get our subconscious minds and energy behind as much as we do our “work” in the material world.
I like to explain it to the non-woo woo folks as “confirmation bias,” which can be a good or unhelpful phenomenon, but says that whatever we expect to see is exactly what we will see.
And so, if you EXPECT your “manifestation” or “goal” to come to be that is what will happen. And just as equally, if you expect that you can’t achieve or have what you want….well, you likely will half ass things, sabotage yourself, and not get where you’re going.
“Manifesting” is really just about getting your subconscious mind on board with what you desire.
The thing about that is the subconscious mind has a lifetime of existing programming behind it backing up your beliefs in a certain way, and if your desired outcome goes against that…shit gets tricky.
The other thing about the subconscious mind is that “changing” it to align with a new goal or belief takes some particular effort. It takes a strong emotion, and it takes repetition, and it takes proof.
Which are all generally things that will be applied in a successful “manifesting” process. You may visualize, spend time in meditation bringing up specific feelings you want to feel when you have your manfiestation in your life, and you may write or repeat specific affirmations (with feeling!)
And you may collect “proof” along the way that all of this is working.
It’s about focus, repetition, and belief in an outcome before it has come to pass.
It’s about choosing the direction of your life, instead of just coasting along getting more of the same old same old.
We are all always “manifesting” everything in our lives.
What we talk about as a manifesting process is simply choosing to do that with intention, and direct the course of our lives where we want it to go.
There are also some pretty miraculous things that can occur along the way, but this is the most pracitcal way I can break it all down for you!
Personally, I’ve “manifested” several different living situations, money, trips, jobs, and adventures – some of which I was actively trying to “manifest” and some that I can now see looking back on I intuitively followed this same process and had a strong desire and decision before the fact that it had to happen, and so it did.
If you need proof to believe this works, look back on your own life.
What are some significant things you’ve done (really anything that stands out in your mind) where you can say “oh yeah, that had to happen because I decided beforehand that it would.”
That’s “manifesting” a specific outcome in action, even if you didn’t call it that at the time.
And you can do it again, on purpose, and move towards specific things in your life!
This is what we’re going to be practicing and learning for the month of August inside the More Than A Meatsuit membership. I’m going to be sharing SO MANY resources, exercises, and practical tools as well as the theory behind how this all works so you can understnd – an import step in the process to get your subconscious mind on board!
We begin on Monday, and the doors are currently open to join us!
Get on in there and let’s create some cool shit in your life this month!!