(If you missed Part 1, see where this vibe-raising journey started over here.)

How’s your vibe today?
I used to train at a gym where one of the trainers would always ask “how’s your body feeling today?” when you arrived…and at first I was like, wtf that’s a weird question??? but after a while I came to appreciate it, because it made you pause for a second to really check in instead of just barrelling into your warm-up and through an intense workout.
I also realized after a while that my answer was often “stiff” “tight” or “feeling it in my back today” which were great clues as to what I should be working on to feel even better…aka recovery and mobility as much as any strength gains I was chasing.
The pause helped me paint a more full picture of my well-being, the TRUE state of my being (meatsuit hehe), and what could be helpful in shifting that.
So…how’s your energy today?
Does it feel familiar? Does it feel like it’s affected by any events in your life or day, any particular thoughts you’ve been thinking?
Yesterday I promised we’d talk about what these “lower” or “average” states we can find ourselves habitually in mean, so let’s do that.
((Because if you’re like most people, your average vibe is probably pretty mid- low-ish in range))
Here’s the thing.
We spend MOST of our lives living in a survival type state, which is very dense energetically. Very heavy.
It’s a place of only material world concerns like “do I have enough” “will I ever have enough” “I need more money” “I need more love” “my job/living situation/relationship is unsatisfying/I don’t like it” “I’m sick/I always get sick/I hope I don’t get sick” etc.
Basic survival stuff.
And maybe even some of your “survival stuff” is really challenged. Relationship troubles. Work drama. Money worries. Physical safety worries.
Not to mention looking around at the dumpster fire-y world we live in.
America’s got a horse loose in the hospital, not even John Oliver can explain the UK to me anymore, the clock is seriously running out on our ability to continue consuming fossil fuels and living the unsustainable lives we’ve come to expect….and so on.
It’s A LOT.
It’s stressful.
And that stress affects your physical body, and your mental state, which affects your energetic body, which in turn affects the physical in a big old feedback loop.
Not to stress you out, but stress hormones literally make the physical body ill – they wear it down, causing inflammation which leads to any chronic “disease” you can imagine.
The more you stress, and the more you worry, and the more you feel “unsafe” the more you are draining your own energy reserves.
But wait!!
I’m not actually saying any of this TO stress you out or bring you down, but to show you that there IS something we can do.
Because it doesn’t actually have to be like that.
You 100% can regulate your own stress levels, energetic state, and in turn your health and well-being. (Which will benefit your ability to be a “part of the solution” in the world, bonus!)
This is how you take your power back.
To back it all up to where we started – this is how you “raise your vibration.”
You get yourself out of “fight or flight.”
Because here’s the thing about fight or flight, and WHY this is important…
It’s exactly as advertised.
In that state your energy is super concentrated into a stress response where you can RUN (hide, ignore, numb out, etc) or FIGHT (get angry, confrontational, moody, etc) and you’re not much help to contributing to any greater good never mind just managing your own health, happiness, and enjoyment of life.
And…if you know me, you probably know exactly what I’m going to say: this is where meditation comes in.
This is where we want to learn how to internally regulate our own state of being and reactions to things so we don’t HAVE “reactions” but we can instead respond appropriately and helpfully – in our own lives, and however we may feel called to help out in the world at large.
We spend some time noticing the habitual thoughts that are putting us in this survival state, and we practice just observing them. Letting them go.
Here’s a quick little trick you can use in any moment to decrease the stress and “raise your vibe”:
- Place your hand over your heart centre
- Take a few long, slow, deep breaths focusing on this centre
- Literally just carry this on for a few minutes until you feel calm/chill/at ease/etc
This is actually changing your physiology in the moment by turning on the parasympathetic nervous system, the system of rest and repair (vs the sympathetic nervous system, the system of fight or flight.)
I honestly use that little practice multiple times a day, including first thing in the morning and last thing at night, so I can begin and end my day with a calm, “high” vibe.
If you want more, I have a guided meditation that walks you through this calming practice and then gives you the opportunity to practice calling up, strengthening, and luxuriating in some “high vibe” feelings of your own.
It’s a training ground where you can practice choosing how you feel, instead of being at the whims of whatever thoughts or experiences you have throughout the day.
Practice this Raise Your Vibration meditation daily for a week or more, and I can pretty much guarantee your life experience will change!