You know that old saying “give a woman a fish, feed her for a day, teach a woman to fish, fuel her mission to overthrow the patriarchy for life?”
…..ok so I may have adapted that a little. It’s 2019, forgive me if I’m all out of fucks to give for peer pressure from dead people (aka tradition 😂)
Anyway, this is what I want to teach you about meditation today.
How to use it to overthrow the patriarchy.
Hahah ok not specifically, but please do use it for that.
Today I want to give you the skills to turn any moment, or any activity into a meditation that can refresh, rejuvenate, reinspire, and tune you the fuck back in if you’re ever feeling out of sorts.
This past week, I noticed myself feeling “out of sorts” a bunch of times during my days.
Just like…janky energy. Like my head was full, and I needed to drain it before there was any hope of moving on with clarity or a clear intention.
I’m sure you know the feeling. Call it overwhelm, confusion, being busy, blocked, stuck, whatever…not a fun place to be, and one that can come up for a variety of reasons and make us feel like we’re just barely holding on.
There are two things I want you to know about this:
- Bad days will always happen, and it’s ok. Even though I’ve been meditating regularly for a decade, and daily for about 5 of those years…yes, I still get janky moods, overwhelm, and shit still happens. And that’s ok. Wherever you’re at in your journey, it’s totally ok and human to have off days (or weeks.)
- Having a quicker bounce-back time is really what we’re practicing for. What is important, is that you get better at recognizing it’s a temporary state that won’t last forever, and that you have the necessary tools to help you bounce back to your badass self quick.
How To Meditate Anywhere (and on anything)
This is where being able to “meditate” anywhere, at any time, becomes the best superpower you can have to keep your shit together.
Meditation is a “practice” because we are practicing skills, in a controlled way, that help us get “better” at life. This is the “bounce-back” I mentioned above. The more time you do spend jsut observing your thoughts and not getting all hung up and twisted around about them, the easier it is for you to notice when you start getting all twisted about a thought you had in the middle of Wednesday afternoon.
And here’s what you do when you notice yourself getting all twisted up on Wednesday afternoon (or whenever lol, I’m just pickin’ on Weds for fun):
- You take a moment.
- You breathe. You close your eyes for a moment if you can, and if you can’t you just breathe and notice what’s happening.
- You ask yourself, “what is happening right now?” and “what story am I telling myself about what is happening right now?”
- You scan your body for a moment and notice if you’re holding any tension anywhere (jaw, shoulders, eyes, stomach are all common areas) and you intentionally relax it.
- And then you just breathe for a few moments, or minutes. Be honest about how much time is available to you – if you’re alone, or you can excuse yourself take 5 minutes to just sit quietly, inhale and exhale, and observe the contents of your mind without getting all tangled up in it. Let things just pass by. Let the dust settle.
Think of yourself like a shook snow globe settling out. This will act like a quick reset, release any weird, overwhelmed, or busy energy you’ve been tangling with.
A Buddhist teacher I practice with sometimes calls these “quickies” 😂
Here’s the thing: meditation doesn’t have to be a big deal. It doesn’t have to take you an hour every day, or be an albatross hanging around on your to-do or “should-do” list every day making you feel guilty when you don’t get to it.
The cool thing about this is that you can truly do it anywhere – sitting at your desk, walking down the street, in the car, etc. Just, y’know, don’t close your eyes if you’re in the car. But you can absolutely still bring your attention to your breath, and let go of any “stories” or extra layers you’ve piled on your experience in any situation.
This is all meditation truly is, btw. Letting go of the layers, bringing your experience back to it’s truth.
Meditation is a useful and practical tool that you can whip out whenever you need to settle the chaos of life (and let’s be real, that can be OFTEN.)
That’s what I want you to remember. Try this out a few times this week, get familiar with it, and know it’s always in your pocket when you need a chill pill.
And if you’d like more help customizing the superpowers of meditation to fit into your life in ways that benefits you – that’s exactly why I’ve created my new program Meditation IRL.
I’ve got space for 3 people at a special launch price (available until Sept 1st)…and we will worth together to customize a meditation practice PLUS, with exercises like this and so much more, geared to getting you to the top of your game in your life.
Let me know if you have any questions. I would love to work with you to make your life easier, more fun, more fulfilling, and more magical.
Either way, I love you!