“My work is to be happy where I am and eager for the vortex to take me where I want to go!” – Abraham Hicks
I woke up on Friday morning thinking of this, after what felt like a very dense, heavy week of working through shadows and putting a lot of “effort” into my work, and life.
That felt exhausting, and by the end of the week…I was ready for another way.
It’s funny, because for the last few weeks I’ve been focusing on this idea of “raising my vibration” and working with my community members to support them through doing the same.
And here’s the thing: it’s been working! Overall, I’ve been feeling fantastic – but I also notice that when I spend extra time and attention focused on feeling good I can also get less tolerant of the times I don’t feel so good. Which can then make me push harder to “feel good all the time”….and in case you couldn’t guess, the paradox THERE is that it has the opposite effect!
Sooooo….what’s a generally high vibe human to do, when confronted with this pickle of an energetic situation?!
Let go!!
Before you roll your eyes like “yeah yeah, what does that even MEAN THO” let me explain!
“Letting go” is simply about dropping the resistance we’re feeling about something, which is what Abraham is talking about in the quote I shared above.
So, say you want to “feel good” but you don’t in fact feel good right now. Instead of focusing on how you DON’T feel good, and you can’t possibly feel better right now because XYZ blah blah blah….you just cut that thought off, and DO SOMETHING ELSE.
Put on a fun song, and wiggle your cute lil butt around the room. Look up a video of your favourite comedian on YouTube and laugh for a few minutes.
Or…wait for it….set a timer on your phone for 2-5 minutes and inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, REPEAT.
Letting go or releasing resistance to something that feels unpleasant or is holding us back is just about cutting off the thought/feeling loop that’s unhelpful, and replacing it with something neutral or positive.
Like meditation. Or moving your body. Or a completely different activity that takes your mind off it.
If you feel like you’ve “got a problem” and you practice this letting go/releasing resistance often enough, the “solution” to your problem will eventually just come to you, because the space will have been made for it when you stopped filling that space with the problem itself aka the absence of a solution.
This is how you get “happy where you are and excited for what’s to come” – by letting go, lightening up, and letting it flowwwwww.
We’re going to be working on this in even more detail this week in the More Than A Meatsuit community, and if you’d like to join us – the doors are open!
Either way – have a lovely day, enjoying whatever the vortex may bring your way!