Honesty time: I’ve been feeling a little bit funky this week. I’m sure there’s some astrological something or other I could “blame” it on, or use to explain it away…but tbh I’m not in the mood for that right now.
I’m in the mood to look at the contents of my mind objectively, take ownership of whatever has been going on up in there, and turn this ship around.
Because here’s how I see it: our thoughts and beliefs determine our actions, and our actions determine the course of our lives.
And you always, always, ALWAYS have control over your thoughts and beliefs, and thus actions and life, even when it might feel like you don’t.
You get to decide where you’re going, and whether or not you get there based on all of the above. You may not get to choose exactly when or how you arrive at your destination, but I 100% believe you’ll get there if you can keep your focus on it.
But it’s not always “easy.”
I’ve been letting a lot of “noise” get to me this week. The opinions of others on what is possible, on how the world works, on what the best ways to do things are. I’ve been indulging in a general over-consumption of the ideas, opinions, perspectives, and content of others and it’s been making me doubt what I know and believe to be true. What I want, and how I want to do what I want to do.
I took my eyes (physical, metaphorical, and metaphysical lol) off my ultimate goal, and let them linger on “reality” as it is right now, and outside opinion about what that reality means…and it caused a lot of doubt, confusion, and funky vibes.
It didn’t feel good.
For a couple of days I could see this happening, but couldn’t 100% pull myself out of it. I just did my best to not make a big thing of it (um, not always perfectly), trusting it was part of the process and would work itself out in time.
And then finallyyyyy something shifted. I listened to some inspiring podcasts in the gym late last night. I came home to have a drink and catch up on some Queer Eye episodes with a friend who was celebrating finishing her summer school semester.
Somewhere in all of that, I decided to just let the noise go.
I was distracted from my funky thought loops long enough to remember that I know what’s best for me, and when it feels like I’ve forgotten who I am I don’t need to seek OUTSIDE guidance, but instead turn inwards and ask myself what I know to be true. Where I know I’m headed. What I want. And let that be my guide.
Even if the gap seems huge, and a lot less clear than I would like it to be right now (ok, than my thinking monkey mind would like it to be lol.)
My “higher self” has patience, and doesn’t believe the noise. It’s only the ego and the thinking mind that gets all tangled up in that nonsense.
Now that I’ve remembered this, and more intentionally cut the energetic ties that were keeping me in that funky-vibes-loop I am feeling REFRESHED and honestly like a different human than even just yesterday afternoon.
And so today I wanted to share my favourite Full Moon Releasing Ritual with you, in case there’s anything that’s been weighing you down recently, and swaying you from any big visions you have for your life (I hope you have them!)
I actually do a version of this “ritual” almost every night before bed, though this week I think I’ve only done it once – which could explain some of the previously mentioned funk.
Full Moon Releasing Ritual
The time around a full moon is a great time to cut cords and release anything that’s not serving you right now. (Conversely, under a new moon we can focus on planting seeds of what we desire to create and grow in our lives.)
My favourite mini cord-cutting/energy-clearing/releasing “ritual” that I actually perform almost every evening before bed is a simple prayer asking that anything no longer serving me be released for my highest good. If you have a specific situation, thought, or something that’s been weighing on you recently (or even for a long time, from the past) you can get super specific and ask that the energetic ties to that situation be cut.
We tend to get allllll energetically messed up and connected to all manner of situations, people, beliefs, etc in our lives – and it drains our energy. It’s like having too many tabs, programs, or apps open on your computer or phone. After a while shit starts to lag and you’ve gotta x out, and reboot.
You gotta do that with your own energy too!!
For this ritual, I like to call on Archangel Michael who wields a big, badass sword and carries the energy of protection, to help with the ritual/prayer but you can ask your guides/spirit/god/the universe/anything you believe in to assist – it adds a bit of power to the ritual, imo so even if including an angel feels waaaay too woo (trust me, I get it – that was me very recently too) find something you can call in for support, even if it’s just a future version of you who has her shit more together. Chances are she’s released these ties already and can help you do so rn!
Say it like this, hand on your heart:
“Thank you Archangel Michael, guides, and universal energy for clearing all energetic ties to any people, places, situations, thoughts, and beliefs that may have attached themselves to me but no longer serve my highest good at this time.
My heart, mind, body, and spirit are my own and I choose to live from a place of love.
Thank you for releasing these unneeded energies, and recharging me to move forward with freedom and clarity.
Thank you for your protection and support.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza talks a lot about how “gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership,” and that’s why I like to frame this prayer/ritual with “thank you.”
Think about it: when we say thank you, it’s generally because we have received something. In this case, we’re receiving and allowing in help and support in releasing these energetic ties that may be holding us back, tying us to old situations or beliefs that aren’t helpful in how we truly want to live moving forward.
In essence, we’re saying “it’s done.” It’s a vibe of surety and confidence in our words and ritual.
If you wanna take this a bit next-level for the full moon, you can write down whatever you’re wanting to release and either burn the paper safely, or rip it up into little shreds and put it in the recycle bin! (#ecofriendlyritual)