Maybe you’ve heard that quote from Picasso that “inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
I had a slight update on that come to me this morning when I decided to follow the nudge to go for a walk before I started working.
And that’s that intuition exists, but it has to find you following soul.

What does that mean?
It means the more you follow the intuitive hits, the soul nudges, the more committed you are to looking beyond your thinking monkey mind at what else is there…the more these hits and knowing and ideas will come to you.
The more you make space and say yes to this the more the universe will be like “oh she’s open to receive, it’s worth going there.”
And that’s not to say you’re not WORTHY or not worth it if you DON’T follow those nudges (because you absolutely 100% always are and this guidance is always available to you)…it just means when you do follow the nudges and the inner knowing you’re more open and receptive to what is available to you and so MORE of those hits can come through.
Think of it a bit like cleaning out a clogged drain. The water (intuitive hits/soul nudges/guidance) can’t flow if you’re not open. Sorry for that potentially gross visual, but I’m sure you see what I mean 😂
I usually take an afternoon walk after I’ve been sitting at my desk writing for a few hours, but this morning it was SO SUNNY AND WARM for the first time in a few days, that as soon as I finished my breakfast I knew I had to go walk FIRST! Before work!
Now…if I’d been following Picasso’s guidance, I might have forced my butt into my delightful little pink velvet desk chair to “work” – but I was paying attention to soul, and it said “move your meatsuit first.”
And so I did. And as I bounced happily along the little woodland trail by my home sipping the rest of my morning coffee and enjoying the sweet sounds of Panic at the Disco in my ears (so sweet, lol)…I received some seriously profound intuitive guidance and downloads around the big vision I have for my business and life moving forward (more on that to come soon btw!)
This was not me “thinking” through any “next steps” or “goals” I may want to set…this was straight up inspired, divine guidance and downloads.
It’s one of those things that when you know, you just know.
It feels right. It lines up with other ideas from the past, makes things that were once vague hazy puzzle pieces with no clear home fall into place, and bonus points if it makes something a psychic friend once told you actually become clear 😉
And here’s the thing – if I HAD sat my cute lil butt down in my cute lil chair post-breakfast because that’s what my (self-imposed) schedule said was supposed to happen…I very well may have missed these two clear downloads that I received while walking.
It seems obvious – but it really is about your energy. It really is about following the guidance, paying attention to the subtle (and not so subtle!) inner nudges to do this instead of that, to go here instead of there, to go off book and schedule and play hooky and see what happens.
To be open.
And to trust that it will work out how it’s meant to.
Often in surprising and wildly different ways that you ever could have “planned” for.
So maybe you don’t always have the luxury of making your own schedule, of spontaneously changing path – but I encourage you to pay attention to what that little voice inside you is saying and pointing you towards, even within your regularly scheduled life events.
Follow it when you can, which is probably more often than you “think” you can, mmkay?
Now go get those sweet sweet intuitive downloads, friend.