I’m sure you’ve heard the term “manifesting,” which is more or less interchangeable with the “law of attraction” in terms of it being a practice, process or “law of the universe.”
On the most basic level, “manifesting” just means to bring something into existence. The way I see it is we are all always manifesting everything in our lives. It simply means that you are creating your experience of life based on the thoughts you think, beliefs you hold, and feelings you feel.
For the most part, you have taken on, learned or perhaps arrived into this life with (if you wanna get into karma-like ideas) all of that stuff. That is, until you get on an intentional growth or awareness path and begin to choose what you think, believe, and feel on purpose (hi, that’s what you’re here doing right now 😀)
The teacher Joe Dispenza always says “your personality creates your personal reality,” which is a fantastic way to think about how we “manifest” our lives. You create what you expect to see, what you think you deserve/are worthy of, and desire to experience in your lifetime based on the thoughts and beliefs which make up your “personality.”
Basically, as we go about our lives, unless we are actively intending to live a certain way, to reach a certain goal, set certain intentions, we end up “creating by default” more of the same over and over.
Enter intentional manifesting, which is what most mean when they speak about “manifesting.”
The Quantum Model of Reality
Quantum physics teaches us that there is an energy field that connects all things (you, me, every piece of matter in the universe, the energy of our thoughts and feelings, etc.) and in this energy field, there is no time, and no space. Every possibility exists simultaneously, until it is observed into existence. (If you want to go a bit more in-depth and nerd out on this, google the “double slit experiment” and the “observer effect.”)
Based on this model, you are constantly observing your life experiences into reality. If you don’t set any particular intentions, with the right level of belief and energy behind them, you just keep observing more and more of the same into reality.
But when you focus your sights on something new, work on getting your subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and your energy on board you can create beyond your wildest dreams.
Literally, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve,” as Napoleon Hill said.
And to bring it all back to feeling, the quantum field also deals in this energy.
When we think a certain thought, it brings up a certain feeling (and the other way around), and that sends a particular energy out into the field, which draws more of the same back to us.
So in a quantum sense, we shift and create something new by sending out a new thought and feeling. We close the gap between us “now” and a “future” version of us by intentionally creating the feelings of our future right now – essentially collapsing time and jumping into this new reality.
In this week’s meditation, we’ll be using this principle of feeling what our intended future feels like, while connecting to the quantum energy field that connects all things.
In this way, you’re closing the gap between now-you and a future-you, and essentially quantum leaping right into that new reality!
Haha. This is one of my favourite practices of all time, and I’ve made you a short and sweet 5 minute version to make tapping into those quantum vibes super easy and accessible.
If you like this, in the More Than A Meatsuit membership we’re spending an entire month going super in-depth on this topic, with a longer meditation to really embody your new vibe, and weekly exercises to lock in a specific manifestation and remove subconscious blocks stand in your way. If you feel called, all the info to join us is here.
Otherwise, enjoy the going quantum for the next five minutes, and let me know how your future is when you get back!