Every Friday in my More Than A Meatsuit membership community we have a check-in post to celebrate our wins from the week, because the more emphasis you put on the good in your life (and week), the more you will find things to celebrate.
It’s simple “law of attraction” in that like attracts like, and the more you have of something the more you are likely to have of that same thing (this works for good things and “bad things.”)
When I was thinking about our Friday check-in last night, I decided to amp it up this week and add some extra gratitude to our check-in prompts – because like I said, what you have, you get more of. And who doesn’t want MORE things to be grateful for?!
Gratitude “works” to make you happier (this is proven by science) and to attract more good things to be grateful for into your life because of one main principle:
Whatever you focus your attention on, grows.
So if you put your attention on things to be grateful for, naturally you will be training yourself to look for more things to be grateful for, and thus this is the energy you will be putting out into the world (“I am grateful! Show me things to express my gratitude for!”)
And whatever we expect to see is what we see! This principle holds on more “woo-woo” levels AND it is simple confirmation bias. There’s a system in our brain that puts extra emphasis on what it considers important, and shows those things to us.
If we focus on gratitude, our brains assume this is important (it is!) and help us locate and find more similar things. (This is why you can pick out a familiar face or voice in a crowd, and all the others blend together – because they’re not as important to you, no offence strangers!)
One of my favourite teachers on meditation, quantum physics, and manifesting is Dr. Joe Dispenza, and one of my favourite sayings from him is:

“Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.“
In the practices he teaches, you are asked to feel grateful for whatever change or manifestation you desire in your life before it has actually happened in the material world.
He teaches this because saying “thank you” means we have received something and so it triggers us, and all the energy and potential around us, to assume we have received what we were asking for – and in a “quantum” sense this means it is done and on it’s way to us.
This is the “secret” to the law of attraction actually working. It is our knowing and expecting that whatever we want is on it’s way to us, no doubt, no questions, that brings it to us.
It’s the same reason why you’ve probably heard of elite althetes mentally rehearsing and visualizing their actions in their mind (and energy and body) before they go out and do it in the 3D, material world.
So this is my “manifesting” pro-tip for you for the weekend:
Whatever it is that you are wanting to bring into the 3D reality of your life right now, imagine it as if it has already come to you, and say “thank you” as if you have received it. Feel that energy of being grateful for what you desired having arrived.
And before that? Practice by listing out 3-5 things that happened to you this week that you are grateful for to really get into that energy!
Whatever happens, that is scientifically proven to make you feel happier – and who doesn’t wanna feel a lil extra happy for the weekend!?
Stay tuned, because I’m in the process of creating next month’s content for the More Than A Meatsuit community members, and it’s going to be all about this principle of “quantum manifesting” and the idea that you’ll “see it when you believe it.”
Your next chance to join us for July is coming super soon – in the meantime make sure you download my free guided meditation to help you connect with your higher self to receive clarity and guidance, and get on the list for when the MTAMS community doors open next!