I’ve been talking a lot lately about “connecting with your higher self” and today I wanted to share a bit with you about what that even MEANS, and a quick way you can know if you’ve already made that connection (you probably have at some point!) and how to easily do so whenever you need a boost of clarity, guidance, creativity, or to feel connected to something other than your monkey mind and material world (which can get real old and real stressful, am I right?!)
Here’s how I see it:
There’s the material, “meatsuit” part of us that is our bodies, the thoughts we think, things we believe, and feelings we feel. This is the part of us necessary to be alive on earth right now…but it’s also the part of us that can cause a lot of unnecessary stress, suffering, and confusion. It’s the part of us that has “bad habits” like scrolling on social media when we would be better off working, or even just reading a book. It’s the part of us that wreaks havoc by overthinking and second-guessing ourselves so we procrastinate taking action towards our dreams. It’s the part of us that can want to lash out, and say all the wrong things when someone rubs us the wrong way.
When you “overthink” something, or try to “think your way out of a problem,” or heck – when you even HAVE a problem (“I don’t know what to do next,” “there isn’t enough time,” “I don’t have enough money”) that is you living in your material, earth-bound self.
But there’s another part of you.
There’s your “higher self,” the part of you that can observe all the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings in a slightly removed way.
This part of you tends to just know things. It can guide you to the right place at the right time, channel ideas and information in a “flow” state that will help you know exactly what to do next without having to write a pro/con list (unless THAT brings you joy + puts you in a flow state – in which case, go for it!)
If you want to never have to feel “confused” ever again, if you want access to answers and information about your life that feel easy, if you want to worry less about whether or not you’ve done the right thing, or “done enough” to “get what you want,” if you want your creative work to flow, and to experience badass right-place-right-time synchronicities on the regular – you want to practice connecting to your higher self on purpose. Regularly.
Most of us get glimpses of this connection at times without even trying.
It’s when you just know something – and it leads you somewhere amazing (eg to move somewhere, reach out to someone, try a new thing, etc.)
It’s when you turn down a different street than usual, and avoid a traffic jam or worse.
It’s when you think of a friend, and then they message or call you out of the blue.
It’s seeing repeating numbers or letters on clocks, license plates, or signs.
It’s the idea for your next project that just pops in your head out of nowhere, and feels like inspired genius.
It feels good. It feels right. It’s the absence of worry, and the spike in energy that goes with it.
If you’ve ever heard someone talk about being in “alignment” – that’s what connecting more fully to your higher self is.
It feels fantastic.
So how do you connect with your higher self?
- You can meditate, and get familiar with the feeling of just observing your thoughts, feelings, and life
- You can free write in a journal, and ask yourself questions – when the answers to those questions just flow and they feel good, and positive, and a little bit exciting – that’s your higher self coming through
- In your meditation, you can place your hand on your heart and ask yourself simple questions like “what do I need to know about xyz right now?” or “what do I need to let go of to move forward?”
Because here’s the thing – connecting with your “higher self” isn’t some complicated mystical practice that takes loads of time to learn.
It’s literally you – it’s the built-in access you always have to universal source energy, and wisdom. It just takes a bit of practice in observing, and listening to get used to how you will most easily make this connection. You may “hear” guidance like a voice, you may have a strong feeling that something is true, you may communicate with this part of you through writing, or through another creating practice – but you can always connect with a few quiet moments and the intention to do so.
And I promise you that the rewards are more valuable than you can imagine.
In my More Than A Meatsuit Community last month we spent the whole month practicing strengthening this connection, and one of my favourite comments from a member at the end of the 4 weeks was that she realized she was so much more powerful than she ever realized, and now has more confidence in her creations and in her ability to “channel” creative inspiration.
This is all available to you, when you listen to yourself.
You can download my free, 15-minute Higher Self Guided Meditation below, to practice making this connecting, asking your higher self questions, and receiving instant guidance!
Thank you
You’re welcome, thanks for stopping by!