An interesting conversation came up this week in my More Than a Meatsuit community that I wanted to share with you, because I think it’s SO interesting and valuable for those moments when you’re wondering “what should I do next” or “what is the next (or first) step towards my goal.”

In reflecting on her week, one participant realized that in coming face to face with what she THOUGHT she wanted, that in fact her desires, intentions, and plans had changed enough that she wanted something different now.
She shared with us that, instead of feeling confused or disappointed that she wasn’t getting what she wanted in that moment, she felt more clear, excited, and even celebratory about her newfound clarity and ability to move towards her now refined goal.
Here’s the thing:
If she hadn’t been taking the action towards what she previously thought she wanted, to the point of almost getting it…she wouldn’t have been able to refine that vision by being offered the manifestation of her original goal (that she ultimately turned down.)
Now she has more information, a clarified vision, and the ability to take her next-next step towards what she now desires (a very particular type of new home, btw!)
I find this whole process so interesting, and it’s something that’s always proven to be true to me.
Your “next” step will only ever be revealed to you by taking whatever “first” step is currently available and visible to you.
You may be wondering how to get to where you want to go (which may be a 10 step process, in reality) but you only have a vague idea of what you might be able to do to begin.
And that is exactly what you need to do, right now.
In fact, it’s the only thing you can do right now – whatever first step feels available to you.
In the process of that first step, the next will be revealed to you.
And during step two, step three will be revealed, and so on.
My theory on this is that if we had all 10 steps right now, it would feel too overwhelming and confusing (and this is exactly what’s happening to you if you do feel overwhelmed or confused – you’re looking at too many steps that could all potentially lead you in the same direction and can’t make a choice between them.)
So the “prescription” in this situation is just to pick one step (one action), begin, and then listen to the follow up signs, information, intuition, and guidance you receive to further home in on the direction you’re wanting to go.
For our More Than a Meatsuit member, this was revealed to her after being offered a piece of property that she had thought would be perfect for her, only to realize that since she had set out on her original search her preferences and desires had evolved, and this was no longer what she desired.
Now, with renewed clarity (including being able to cross some options off her list), she can get back to her search with a whole new perspective and energy that will move her towards something that will be right for her now (and who knows, that vision could evolve more as time goes on.)
My favourite part of her story was how she felt relief, clarity, and a feeling of celebration at having a deeper knowing of what she does want now – and thus the ability to take more pointed action towards that.
Because we’ve been practicing with paying attention to our intuition and guidance from higher self this month in the group, she was tuned in enough to pay attention to all of these signs and guidance, and didn’t feel at all discouraged about not getting something she actually wanted. Instead she could trust that gut feeling that said “this isn’t what you want anymore, keep looking” and it felt great.
To me, this is the true value of beign able to tune in to intuition and “guidance” from our higher self. When we can trust those feelings and that guidance, we feel amazing about the information we receive, and have total trust in our ability to make the right choices that will support our happiness, and highest good.
This process and wisdom is always available to all of us whatever we’ve got going on in our lives, whether that’s finding a new home, finding our way to healing, a new job, relationship, or something else.
If there’s something you’re feeling unsure of right now, ask yourself what feels like the best, next (first) step to take – pay attention to whatever comes up as the first answer. That’s your inner guidance speaking to you. Take action in that direction, and the next next step will be revealed to you in the process, and you’ll be well on your way!
I’m curious – have you ever had an experience like this, of noticing that the “steps” towards a goal or something you wanted were revealed to you along your path, but not all at the beginning? Hit reply and let me know what your experience with following guidance like this has been!