Have you tried “going quantum” yet?
I don’t know about you, but it seems like everywhere I look lately someone is talking about “going quantum” to manifest whatever they’re wanting into their life.
We’ve definitely moved beyond the days of creating a vision board and calling it done when you want to attract a new experience to you.
Manifesting is actually all about the feeling you create, and with good reason. It’s not actually anything new.
Way back in 1944 a dude named Neville Goddard published a book called “Feeling Is The Secret” which sums up this whole “quantum manifesting” practice incredibly well (you can actually read a PDF of the book for free here, if that’s your jam!)
Because feeling really is the secret.
Of “manifesting”your desires. And of making any change or growth you desire in your life really stick around.
You have to feel the feelings of it being done, and of you now embodying a new version of you who is changed. Who acts, believes, feels, and has different experiences than “now” or “past” you had.
The quantum manifesting principle goes like this: any and all potential you can imagine (and then some) exists as a possibility in the quantum field, aka the energy field that surrounds and connects all things (including you now, a future you, a past you, and any number of possible yous.)
From one moment to the next you’re essentially hopping between all those version of you as things change.
If you’re not actively choosing or directing which potential you comes next, you basically just get more of the same – because it’s what you expect to see. (This is called the “observer effect” in quantum physics, wherein the observer will see whatever they expect to see out of all the potential options.)
Because the quantum field is energy, it responds to your energy.
Which is why “feeling is the secret,” because your feelings are kind of like the human wifi signal you’re constantly emitting. Which connects you with a compatible wifi signal in the field.
So you see, if you keep feeling how you’ve always felt – you keep creating more of the same life experiences that align with and perpetuate that feeling. And on, and on, and on.
But if you can learn to manage those feeling states, to feel a very specific way, to imagine a new way (other than your habitual same-old) you can draw new potential experiences to you that align with that feeling state.
And that, my friend, is “going quantum” or quantum manifesting.
The best way to practice this is, of course, in meditation. It can just be a few quiet moments, even, where you are still and practice bringing up a specific feeling state that you want to experience more of. A feeling state that you expect to experience when you have a certain life experience, or situation come to pass.
Practice it now, and you’ll be moving in the direction of that thing you’re wanting to manfiest in no time (….that was definitely a quantum pun, because as we know there is “no time” in the quantum field 😂)
Next week we’re going to begin “quantum manifesting” month in the More Than A Meatsuit membership community, where I’ll be leading you through a quantum, feeling-based meditation and visualization, and providing weekly exercises to really focus in on quantum leaping into whatever next-level version of you that you’re wanting to meet right now.
You can work on healing yourself, healing a relationship, you can work on your work, creating prosperity, or really any perspective shift you can imagine.
Doors to the community are open if you’d like to join us ahead of next week.
This is one of my favourite topics to practice, share, and teach about so I know it’s going to be a good time.
I’ll share more about these quantum principles in the coming week, but in the meantime, remember – feeling how you want to feel right now is the secret to having the life you want to have in the “future.”
If you want to practice going quantum right now and stepping into your future, make sure you check out my free guided meditation to quantum leap into your future!