“It’s not about you.”
These are the words I heard in my head this morning as I was preparing for my morning meditation/yoga/prayer – and I instantly knew it was about the More Than A Meatsuit Community.
I also knew it was an intuitive download/message and not a “thought.” (There’s always a difference in how those things feel, you start to recognize it after a while.)
It’s not about me.
Creating this community is about you. It’s about whoever needs it – whoever connects with my particular way of speaking about spiritual practice, personal (spiritual) growth, and meditation.
It’s about whoever connects with my energy.
And the same is true for you, with whatever you create/teach/share/care to talk about in your life.
We forget this alllll the time – because our “ego” wants us to – makes it easy for us to forget – but whatever you CREATE in the world (art, music, business, healing, teaching, sharing, expressing yourself, your actual entire life) it’s not about YOU.
It’s about the universe (everything we all are/connected to) expressing itself in a particular way THROUGH you. And it’s about whoever (including yourself) is touched by that.
It’s about expression + expansion, growth + creativity, but it’s not about “you” in the sense you generally think of “yourself.”
Your identity, your worth, the meaning you give things and the stories you tell about yourself and your life and how you see the world.
Whatever you create just wants to come THROUGH you (actually it wants to come through SOMEONE – if you’re open and available you get the honour 😉), and it wants to be seen by those who need to see and experience what you’re creating.
Which brings me back to my downloaded message this morning: it’s not about me.
I’ve had this guidance for A WHILE now (like, going on 5 years if I’m totally real), to create an online community (that may indeed turn into an IRL, offline community one day!) that is about supporting you in deepening a “spiritual” practice that has real, practical tools for + effects in your daily life. That’s about connecting you to the part of you that is “more than a meatsuit” to increase the meaning and enjoyment you feel in life.
It’s about connecting you to source, the universe, the quantum field – whatever you want to call it.
And it’s also about connecting you to a community of other humans on this same journey of remember, healing, and growing – because we go further together (and have more fun along the way!)
This community is called “More Than A Meatsuit” because that’s what you are – and because we love a lol around here 😉
It’s about a group coming together in support + accountability to keep our personal practices + growth as a priority in our lives – because when you don’t have others on the path with you, it’s easy to procrastinate, find 1000 other things to do first, and forget that connecting to yourself (the meatsuit + non-meatsuit parts of you), and giving energy to a spiritual practice is something you want to prioritize in life.
In eastern spiritual traditions they call this the “sangha,” and it’s equally as important as the teachings themselves. Support and community is EVERYTHING.
I’m here to bring us together, to share practices, tools, teachings, and meditations I’ve learned and found useful in my own journey of becoming more than a meatsuit (hehe).
But most importantly, this is about YOU saying yes to YOU – to all parts of you.
When you do, life gets more magical, and the practical and non-spiritual gets easier (though you’ll start to see there really is no “non-spiritual” – it’s a trick 😉)
Decisions, relationships, anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed by all the shit in the world and everything you (we) have to do – when you connect more fully with your intuition, with the non-physical, when you spend more time aware and present in the now – all of the material stuff flows easier, and seems a bit less heavy and serious.
You can stop overthinking and second-guessing and wondering if you’ve done the “right” thing.
When you connect to intuition it’s easier to determine what feels “right” for you – and you’ll also release the need to never make a “mistake,” anyway.
There’s A LOT we will be working on together – and you’ll have input to let me know what you’d like to learn and practice with as we go along.
Each month will have a theme. You’ll get a guided meditation, workbook with journaling prompts (my fave practice after meditation tbh), reflections, resources, and practical tools for daily life.
This is a merging of the woo and the practical, just like we are all a merging of the physical and non-physical (meatsuits + more, lol.)
If you want to join us – we’re here for you. I’m here for you – but it’s not about me 😉