It’s time to take your meditation practice off the cushion and into your daily life
Welcome to Meditation IRL
You’re not a monk living in a cave, you’re a bad bitch* living in the world with shit to do. Impact to make. Dreams to realize. And fun. To. Have.
*"bad bitch” is inclusive of all genders around here, fyi 😉
I know sometimes meditation and “spiritual practice” can seem like they’re removed from “real life,” but friend that is soooooooo not the case.
There is shit going down in the world (as well as our personal lives) and what we need is a shift in how we think and act, so that we can step up and make change (on personal and global scales.)
Meditation and spirituality is not about staring at the wall with your eyes closed, avoiding “real life.”
It’s about practicing the patience, kindness, resilience (and so much more) that you need to fully engage in real life so that when shit hits the fan, you don’t rip someone’s head off or sabotage your dreams again.
That’s what Meditation IRL is here to support you with.
I’m here to make your life easier, not add another item to your to-do list. (If anything, we’ll cut the fluff and focus that list.)
I know you have a vision for your life that goes beyond what is considered “normal.”
I know that you have dreams, goals, and intentions WAY bigger than where you are right now.
I also know you know that scrolling Instagram while you binge Netflix and let your mind spiral into undisciplined negative shit isn’t the way to get there....but friend, we've all been there.
The world is full of easy, comforting distractions and the momentum of habit is real.
It is 100% easier to carry on doing the same-old same-old, living like Bill Murrary in Groundhog Day (a cult classic, perhaps a cautionary tale, but definitely not a cute look for your life.)
Right now, before you read another word on this page, I want you to stop feeling guilty or beating yourself up for indulging in distraction, habit, rest, or entertainment - guilt and shame never got anyone anywhere.
The fact that you are here right now, reading this, shows that you are ready and willing to do something differently now, so give yourself a high five for that 🙌
It's time to build new habits that support your growth
I firmly believe that growth is a basic human need, and it's often why you feel like shit when you've been on that Groundhog Day hamster wheel (yes, I am mixing my rodent metaphors 😆)
You are here living your life on planet earth to learn, to expand your consciousness, and to constantly be evolving into the best version of you.
If you feel "stuck," "blocked" or like you are in an unbearable rut that doesn't fit you any more, it's because you haven't grown or challenged yourself enough recently - it is definitely not because you are broken or truly "stuck" in any way.
You can't solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.
To get "unstuck" or to shift
To take new actions, you need a new
Commit to regular, daily practices and habits that train your mind (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and energy) to focus on what is good in your life, on where you want to go, on releasing the things that cause stress and anxiety and fear.
It’s all possible, and it’s what Meditation IRL is designed to help you do.
Meditation is 100% a superpower - and it’s one that I wish everyone had.
The good news is that it’s the easiest superpower to acquire, and anyone can do it. (Especially you.)
Meditation IRL is for you if:
- You have a bit of a meditation, mindfulness, or spiritual practice but it’s inconsistent and the tangible benefits in your life haven’t shown up (but you would LOVE to change that)
- You would love some hands-on support to really make the changes you need to make (eg you want to make your art or passion your career, make a big move or change jobs, go back to school, make other lifestyle changes)
- You often get overwhelmed or so stressed out by daily life that it feels like you’re barely keeping your head above water
- Everyone keeps recommending meditation to you as the thing that will help or change your life, but you just can’t seem to make it a regular habit (or really start at all)
- You want to deepen or go next-level on your existing meditation or spiritual practice with some new support
I’ve been practicing meditation (IRL) for over ten years, and I don’t even want to consider where I would be without my practice.

I’ve always been an anxious, stress-y kind of person. And I didn’t know what to do about it for a long time. I avoided the really stressful, anxiety inducing stuff I didn’t think I could ever handle. I drank, I kept moving, and kept looking for the next thing that might alleviate the discomfort of what I had decided I didn’t like in my life.
But - newsflash, it doesn’t work like that. So I just kept going from one stressful situation to the next, hauling my own shit suitcase with me each time and not realizing it was me that stank. (ok, not literally, but you get the idea from that perhaps awkward analogy 😂)
That was...until I really started practicing regular, daily meditation. Then I saw my patterns clearly and discovered how to break those old habits of running and avoiding. I developed the resilience to know that I could get through any unpleasant shit sandwiches life decided to serve me (and they still come, at least on occasion.)
It was the discomfort of moving to a foreign country where I knew literally no one, and had to build a whole life up from scratch, that really drove me into a daily meditation and “spiritual” practice beyond anything I had dipped my toes into before.
I learned what it meant to trust - my own intuition and guidance, that the universe would work things out for my highest good, and that I could get through a lot of turmoil by trusting that I had the strength within me to experience my own anxiety, fear, uncertainty, turmoil and come out the other side actually better off, and not dissolve into a puddle of existential goo (I don’t know, what do your imagined irrational worst case scenarios look like 😂)

Over the last decade, I’ve taken road trips to visit meditation centres along the west coast of the US, sat over 60 days of silent retreat at a Buddhist centre in the UK, studied with Buddhist, kundalini yoga, and quantum physics-based teachers and one thread has been abundantly clear to me through all of it:
You don’t meditate in a vacuum. You meditate to get “better” at all the challenging shit life throws at you. To have better bounce-back from a negative spiral, or to become that glass-half-full person who relentlessly finds the silver lining (pro-tip: they’re a good person to be.) You meditate so you don’t yell at your family, or feel like you need to reach for that bottle of wine at the end of a long day. (Go for the wine if you like, but you won’t need it - you’ll enjoy it.)
If your meditation or spiritual practice isn’t making your daily, lived experience easier, more enjoyable, or at least giving you the skills to navigate life’s roller coasters and shit sandwiches, it’s not serving its purpose.
You’re here to learn, to grow, to evolve, and to get better at human-ing throughout your life.
Otherwise you’re Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, without the glow up and Hollywood ending.
With Meditation IRL, you’ll get my years of meditation practice and study to help you feel more like “I got this!” and less like “I don’t even know what this is!”
This is a personalized, unique to you program, because we allllllll have different challenges and dreams.
I have experienced, and you can expect:
- Less anxiety and stress on a daily basis - and a concrete practice to go to when you do feel anxiety that will help lessen it quickly, in the moment.
- A general trust that things are always working out for the best, for yourself and others, and the ability to get through difficult situations because of this belief (and using specific practice tools.)
- Not taking yourself so seriously anymore, and knowing that your identity isn’t “fixed.” If there is a “bad habit” causing problems in your life, know that you can always change it.
- To “let go” of things other people do that “bother”, anger, or upset you. Through witnessing your own mind, thoughts, and being you’ll come to realize and understand that we are all doing the best we can at any given moment. It doesn’t mean anything about you when someone else does something, and it also doesn’t mean anything about them - it just is what it is.
- It’s easier to focus on looking for solutions to a problem, than worrying about or intensifying the problem itself by obsessing.
Whenever life feels “too much” or too busy, you’ll have the tools to relieve that pressure and allow you to focus on whatever is actually a priority. - You will hear your intuition more strongly than ever, and also have the ability to trust that when you follow it things will work out however they are meant to, for the highest good.
- A mind that is more focused on what is good, looks for (and thus finds) the bright side, more good things, and doesn’t dwell on negative things.
There’s science, too.
There are studies on studies showing that meditation boosts the immune system, changes brain matter wherein the areas that can have “negative” focus physically shrink (!!!), lowers blood pressure, turns on the “rest and digest” stress-reducing side of our nervous system, lowers cortisol, increases serotonin, and so much more.
It’s fun to learn about these science-y benefits, but what I love even more is seeing the tangible results of them in my life, and the lives of my clients, community members, friends, and family.
And we haven’t even touched on the more “supernatural,” mystical, and spiritual benefits of meditation. The wild stories of healing, of manifestations beyond wildest dreams, and the connection to something greater than yourself that you’ll feel (call it the universe, god, spirit, the quantum field, etc - it’s waiting for you!)
When you sit in meditation, connect to your heart centre and feel an energy there that seems to connect to the energy that flows through all things - anxiety and stress instantly dissolves.
When you take a quiet moment to connect with and ask your higher self for guidance, you don’t doubt the actions you need to take in a situation or the choices to make (you actually come to realize there is no such thing as a “wrong” choice anyway.)
Meditation IRL is here to help you discover your superpowers in a way that’s meaningful to you.
Together we’ll decide on the perfect, manageable daily practice for you. We’ll dig in and discover your unique IRL benefits that feel good, exciting, and motivating to you.
I’ll cheerlead the F out of your wins, discoveries, growth, and transformation and I’ll help you pull the lessons and insights out of the shit sandwiches and challenging moments, too.
What They're Saying

"I wasn't skeptical that meditation wouldn't work, but it was more of the challenge of doing this every day. Well, I definitely faced some challenges that were presented to my OWN thinking, like "you have 10 other things to do and you're meditating?"
Ainslie is super patient, answers all (and I mean all) your questions (even if some of mine were a little silly), and is so supportive and helpful. You get so much more than're also getting like mini coaching sessions on life and what affects you as a person and how meditation can help with all of it. This lady is just so enthusiastic, so knowledgeable, funny, and a meditation badass. Thank you soooooo much!" - Grecya Vidal
"I’ve learned the many ways that a person can meditate from Ainslie, and that there is no right way to do it. I'm becoming more aware of myself, esp how I feel after taking the time to meditate. Now I'm regularly taking a few mins to clear my mind each day, whether it's walking my dog or in the shower. I really cherish those moments alone. I feel more relaxed after I meditate." - Michelle
The technical details of how Meditation IRL works:
- You + Me 1:1 for 6 weeks of magic
- 4 x 30 minute calls to get clear on your specific “why” and benefits you’ll experience, work through issues that come up, keep you committed and growing your superpowers
- I will hand-hold you through creating your perfect daily meditation practice to suit your needs, and provide relevant exercises to support your journey (may be journaling, reflection, energy practices, etc)
- Unlimited messenger or email support (we’ll decide which is best for you when be begin)
- 1-2 customized guided meditations to match your goals, plus access to my exclusive library of guided meditations + exercises for clients and community members
- Absolutely all of your questions about meditation, and how to apply it to daily life, answered.
- Bonus: My 30 Days of Meditation email course to get + keep you inspired for your daily practice
While I hesitate to promise specific results, all of my clients report almost instantly feeling better when we begin working together.
They feel more “high vibe”, committed to taking charge of their own lives and making sure things turn out for the BEST instead of looking like a rerun.
If you’re ready to let things feel good, to turn down your stress and turn UP your #bestlife - I’m here to help.
(Once you sign up, you'll be taken to a form where you can tell me alllll about your current situation, what you want to get out of our time together, and a calendar to book your first call!)
If you have any questions or would like to chat to decide if this is a fit for you right now, hop on over here and send me a message!
"Ainslie is a master at meditation-ing. Meaning, she takes a subject that has so much stigma attached to it, and brings it down to earth in such an understandable and fun way. Before working with her, meditation always felt like something I HAD to do, and HAD to do in a certain way. After working with her I feel like I can totally rock my own meditation style, which is making me WAY more likely to stick to it." - Sally Hope
"Ainslie has a way about her that is so inviting. I benefited so much from working with her and developing a regular meditation practice. I mean, this is a LIFE practice and she has started me on my journey. I recommend connecting with her to learn about how to get grounded and explore what it is to be truly mindful." - Tanya Beat
"Ainslie Greig is my spirit animal." - Abby Oliver
"Ainslie is awesome! She's totally down-to-earth and open and she's super-knowledgeable about all things meditation. She makes meditation so accessible. I really enjoyed working with her and highly recommend her to anyone looking to explore a meditation practice." - Kelsey Abbott
Ready to bring the magic of meditation to make your daily life off-the-charts amazing?
If you have any questions or would like to chat to decide if this is a fit for you right now, hop on over here and send me a message!
“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll discover you’re more than a meatsuit.” - Your Higher Self, speaking about your journey of personal and spiritual awakening, probably