Hey hey!
Welcome to the first instalment of a new FREE series I’m starting, called…..yup, you guessed it “Meditation Monday!”
I know, super creative 😂
I want to help you fall in love with meditation as a tool to improve your daily life, your spiritual connection, your intuition, and like…. #allthethings
Last week I mentioned that the kundalini yoga community likes to joke that whatever you’re going through, “there’s a meditation for that,” and honestly – that’s how I feel 100% of the time.
Tell me a “problem” you have, and I’ll tell you how to meditate about it for genuine, lived results.
And so for the next indefinite amount of Mondays, I’m going to be sharing a new meditation practice with you, or a way you can use meditation in your life to see tangible results.
Lots of these will be guided audio meditations, because that’s one of the biggest requests I’ve had recently – so get ready to get your practice on!
To get us started this week, however, I wanted to give you a few quick tips on how to make meditation a DAILY habit – because this is something that you really only see the “benefits” from when you do it regularly. We call it a “practice” because you are literally “practicing” a “skill”, mmkay? Just like anything you may want to “get better at” so too do you need to practice a meditation regularly (ideally daily) to see the promised “benefit.”
How to make meditation a daily habit:
- Remember that a little goes a long way, and you’re better off with 2 minutes EVERY DAY than 15-30 once a week. It doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking at first (or even down the road on those days when you’re still like “I don’t wanna!” – it happens to all of us!)
- There’s no “wrong way” to meditate – if your intention is to be present, keep bringing your attention back to the practice at hand – you are “doing it right” and it will “work.”
- Know your “why” – there’s a great talk by Simon Sinek out there online about “starting with why” and this is the same – if you have a clear why/goal you will be more motivated to continue and you can measure progress, which also helps when you feel like giving up.
- Make it a HABIT by attaching it to another activity – this is called “habit stacking” and is golden when you’re trying to make a new habit stick. What is something else you do daily? Pick that, and make it your meditation trigger. This could be: waking up in the morning, getting into or out of the shower/bath, walking the dog to the park (sit down in the park for two mins and breath!), sitting down to watch Netflix in the evening. Pick a thing, and promise yourself you’ll meditate before it.
- Give yourself a reward. This is another one from habit psychology – habits have rewards. With meditation, at least at first, you may need to “hack” the reward and bribe yourself with a piece of chocolate, a YouTube video or Netflix show, or another “treat” to make it happen – until you start to notice those “benefits” and you WANT to get it done!
- Get a buddy and make a pact. Have another friend who’s been wanting to try daily practice? Promise each other you’ll do it, and text after you have. Bonus points if you owe each other a dollar or a coffee every time you skip 😆
I could go on – but I think that’s enough to get you started with today!
I’d love to know, is there a “problem” you’d love to “solve” with meditation? A type of meditation you’d like to try?
Let me know in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to get to it in a Meditation Monday coming soon!!
Love you!
Annd if you’re ready for MORE meditation goodness right now – if you’ve been wanting to create a daily practice, or breath new life into your existing practice, make sure you check out my 30 Days of Meditation program for 30 days of easy practice tips, meditation instructions, and accountability!