One of my favourite things to share with people is practical tools to improve their lives.
Which is exactly what I think meditation in general is, and specific styles of meditation in particular will especially be.
The paradox of meditation is this: when you come to it with the intention to just be 100% in the moment, aware and non-judgemental of whatever is going on in your experience in that moment…eventually big fucking magic will occur.
But if you come to meditation trying and wanting and holding on really tightly looking for a specific outcome, ya just gonna end up frustrated and like “this doesn’t worrrrrk wtffff I was lied to?!
That is not to say, of course, that we cannot have an intention for our practice, but the intention needs to be about loosening up around something, not trying to control a particular outcome.
It can feel like a fine line, and the opposite of how you’ve been living your entire life for most of us – especially the perfectionists, control freaks, and super high achievers (🙋)
Soooooo what’s a recovering perfectionist to do, you ask?
Calm the fuck down, for starters 😂😂😂
I kid, I kid. But also not, and I say this as a constant reminder for myself as much as for you (as always.)
I was initially going to call this practice “meditation for when you need to calm down”, probably because I listened to a biiiiit too much Taylor Swift last week (it happens to the best of us, right?) but then I realized I wanted this short practice to be one to break us out of any funky state.
You could be really wound up and anxious about something.
You could be obsessing over a particular outcome you want for a situation (a job, a date, relationship drama of any kind, an application or result, etc.
You could be feeling totally off, just not yourself, uninspired, in a real funky funk.
You could be pissed at someone, and even though you want to let go of those vibes you just can’t yet.
Whatever your funk is about – this short 5 minute practice is for you.
Because often what’s happening when we’re in “a funk” is we’re stuck in a particular habitual thought loop that we just can’t (or don’t want) to break ourselves out of.
If might feel familiar to you, like you always react like this (even if you’re totally sick of it.) This is a sign that neural and energetic pathways in your brain and body have done this particular little dance so many times before it barely takes the suggestion of a similar thought, feeling, or situation and you’re allllll up in this reaction again.
It’s hard to break out of these loops and patterns because our subconscious mind and chemical reactions in the body have wired in all kinds of shortcuts to help (ha ha ha) us have this reaction, because we have it so often, that your meatsuit wants to optimize, ok? Biology is efficient AF and the more you do something, the easier it becomes to do.
Hence, our habits and patterns are sticky and tricky to break free of.
But wait!!
All you really need to do is put some focus and energy towards interrupting the pattern, and repeat that NEW pattern, and you’ll start to build new pathways and habits that feel good, support your overall well being and growth.
And that is what this “meditation to get out of a funk” is for!
Use it to interrupt the pattern of your “funk” a bunch of times, and your “funks” will become more interruptible and not last as long.
Listen, we’re all human out here and a “funk” or “bad mood” or “something really shitty happening” is bound to come up. But what we can do is make sure we have the tools to not get lost in the story of that, be with our feels instead of avoiding, and carry on with our bad selves despite any funky energy going down.
I made this meditation SHORT on purpose – because often when we’re feelin’ funky or crappy we don’t WANT to do anything about it. We have a sort of all-system tantrum and wanna wallow.
But here’s the deal – 5 minutes is only 5 minutes. Tell yourself you’re just going to tryyyyyyyy this thing, no harm no foul, you can always go back to wallowing in Netflix afterwards and only 5 minutes were lost.
You might be surprised, though 😇
You can listen to the meditation right here:
The more often you do it, the more it will break down any patterns you have around obsessive thinking, worry, funky vibes, etc.
I’d love to hear how it goes when you try it, leave a comment below to let us know what kind of “funk” this helped you hop out of!
If you want MORE meditations from me, make sure you check out my 30 Days of Meditation program – it’s a super affordable, easy way to get access to my 10+ years of meditation-related knowledge and practice in 30 simple, daily lessons straight to your inbox. If you’ve been wanting to get into a daily practice routine (or need some new inspiration for your existing practice) this is perrrrrrfect for you!
Love you!