This week in our on-going Meditation Monday series, I’ve got a sweet little guided practice for you to help release any resistance you may be feeling – quickly!
If you’re feeling stressed, like you’re avoiding something, “blocked”, anxious, worried – or maybe you’re a recovering perfectionist like me – this practice is soooooo goooooood.
Like, so good. I don’t know what it is (ok, I do) but AS SOON as I begin this practice I can physically feel my stress, anxiety, and worries drain from my body and a super chill sense of peace, calm, relaxation, and ease come in instead.
Such is the magic of letting go, of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. And the physical benefit of directing these intentions towards ourselves.
Approach this practice (and yourself) like you would a stressed-out friend, animal, or child – with some gentlness, and a lot of kindness.
“Resistance” is generally a denial of seeing things how they actually are. We get caught up in having high standards, in expecting that things “should” be a certain way, in telling stories, and in pushing ourselves really hard. But what tends to happen is – not much! We push back. You’ve probably heard the saying “what you resist persists” and that could. not. be. more. true.
What you are resisting, or worrying about, just wants to be seen. It might be a part of you trying to sound a warning alarm to the other parts of you, trying to keep you safe. And whether or not those fears for your safety are objectively “true” or not, they just wnt to be seen and heard. And the more you resist that, the louder they get. Cue: epic cycle of resistance and anxiety.
This practice is just about taking a moment to release all of that pressure. You don’t have to confront or face it all at once (though at some point, in whatever ways feel possible, this will be helpful) – just take a moment to take some of that pressure off, and I promise it will all feel much less impending-doom and much more “I can human again today.” (LOL)
Let me know how it goes if you try it! I don’t want to promise specific “results” but this one always gets me zen’d the eff out!!
Until next time!