meatsuit. noun.
- Your physical body, and all the thoughts, beliefs, cultural programming, and habits that make up what you think of as "you" in the material world.
- Not, in fact, all that you are as an infinite, spiritual consciousness connected to all things in space and time.
Welcome to the More Than A Meatsuit Community
More Than A Meatsuit Community is the home for creative humans seeking connection to the part of themselves (and the universe and everyone else) that is “more than a meatsuit.”
Here’s the thing: if you’ve ever felt like something was missing in your life, there’s a good chance it was this one main thing: connection.
Connection to something bigger than yourself (like the universe, god, spirit guides, the quantum field, or whatever you may want to call it.)
Connection to yourself, on a deep and meaningful level (your higher self, your real honest desires for your life, a true knowing + connection to your mind, body, and soul.)
Connection to other humans with similar values, on the same path towards meaning, growth, healing, and spiritual connection as you are.
When we’re missing all (or some) of these things (and unaware that we’re missing them, like 99% of the population) we seek fulfillment and happiness in the material (jobs, accomplishments, “stuff”, special relationships, status, substances, food, and other experiences) that can never actually fulfill our need for meaningful connection to our soul, the universe, and other beings who have also made those connections.
The More Than A Meatsuit Community is here to help you build that connection to:
- something bigger than you (or your “meatsuit” 😂) like the universe, god, the quantum field, your guides, etc
- your higher self, your soul, and your real desires for you life that come from this place of deeper guidance.
- a community of other humans on this same journey through space and time, while we all float together on this big ol’ space rock we call Earth 😉
When you prioritize your spiritual practice, and have a whole community doing the same, we can all lift each other up to grow, transform, awaken, and live our actual best lives, instead of the ones we might want to pretend we’re living for the ‘gram (while secretly feeling like an insecure pile of poop inside 💩😬)
More Than A Meatsuit is for you if you feel like you’ve “done the work” (or a HECK TON of it) to improve your life, but you still feel like something isn’t quite right.
If you already spend time on spiritual practice, but you still don't feel like a magical tuned in unicorn as much as you hoped you would have by now.
Or if you're new-ish to this path, and feel like you're bumbling around just tryna figure out what works and it's a bit like throwing woo-woo spaghetti at that wall - sloppy, a bit confusing, and sometimes you feel like you're even crazier than you were before (sidenote: you're not, that's just part of the awakening process!)
Basically, something is still missing and you're not 100% sure what (hint: it's that connection we mentioned.)
Maybe you:
- Meditate and do yoga about your “problems” in hopes of a breakthrough (or some relief!)
- Journal out your limiting beliefs, positive affirmations, and gratitude lists to get clear + inspired (but sometimes it's more like chasing your tail)
- Consult your tarot/oracle cards every time you have even an inkling of a question, looking for that divine guidance
- Follow a gazillion astrology, law of attraction, and positive accounts on Instagram, hoping that finally you’ll scroll past some piece of new information that will help you get your shit together
- Self-help + spiritual books are like catnip to you (hellooooooo Hay House library)
It all helps a bit, but you haven’t arrived at Life Status: Living The Dream quiiiiiiiite yet.
Sometimes you wonder if that’s even possible for you. Maybe it’s just for other people who really get this whole conscious, spiritual awakening, letting-go, law of attraction, instagrammable #bestlife thing.
There must be something you’re just missing.
You want it all to work, but it hasn’t worked yet, and so while you keep doing all of your practices….there’s also a hefty serving of doubt on your spiritual + personal growth platter.
And that sucks. Because deep down you do know this is the path you’re meant to be on, and if you could just really stick with it and dig deeper you’d finally get somewhere.
But it’s easy to “fall off the wagon” when the results feel skimpy, and you seem to just fall into the same holes and bad habits and traps over and over again.
You get dragged back into the world of muggles with all their “normal” problems, until you start to feel like that poop emoji again - so you find your butt back on the meditation cushion, nose to the oracle cards looking for answers, a sign, or anything that will shift this shit.
You know what you should be doing to feel better most of the time, but you get distracted by shiny new books + ideas,, not to mention the shiny old habits and patterns and people.
Hey - I’m Ainslie, and I get you, boo. I’ve been-there-done-that-got-the-Hay-House-library with the spiritual and personal growth rollercoaster for yeeeeeeeeeeears before I got it to really stick.

I’ve been a student, a teacher, a group leader, and a coach. I’ve followed other teachers, and I’ve done my own thing. I’ve followed a single tradition, and I’ve put together my own toolbox of practices from my studies that resonated.
But eventually I came to realize that the missing piece that kept me hopping between practices, and even dropping out of my practice altogether at times was that I didn’t feel connected.
When I had no community to practice with, it was easy to skip a day, or even a week. When I didn’t feel like my practice was actually connecting me to something bigger than me, it still felt like a material world quick-fix I was searching-and-not-finding for.
For me, the magic happened when I began to trust myself more consistently (instead of expecting the “answer” to be “out there” somewhere - or even held by some other teacher.)
And that consistency always came when I had a community on the same path to connect with for support, inspiration, and shared insights.
I've been leading meditation challenges, groups, and individuals through 30, 40, and 90 days practice experiences since 2014, and in these groups I've seen first-time meditators and seasoned spiritual seekers commit to, stick with, and transform their lives by being consistent, dedicated, and held in a supportive community doing the same work with them.
That’s why I’ve created the More Than A Meatsuit Community.
It’s a place for spiritual (and spiritually curious) humans to come together to work with and fully integrate the TRUTH that we are all “more than a meatsuit,” aka more than your physical body, thoughts, beliefs, existing habits and “the way things are.”
In this community you’ll be learning some new practices, tools, and tricks for deepening and staying consistent with your spiritual practices, AND you’ll receive the support you need to stay consistent with the practices you already do, and know help you feel and function at your best.
The more I’ve studied different spiritual traditions and practices, the more I’ve come to realize they’re all teaching and leading us to the same truth:
With our minds (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, energy) we create our world.
When you can let go of unhelpful thoughts, belief systems, and experiences that have happened in your life up until now, you are finally free to create your life more or less exactly how you desire it to be.
If you keep thinking the same thoughts, and believing the same beliefs you've always held, you will continue to live the same life you've always led.
If you're someone who wants to change, grow, heal, and live out some incredible and creative dreams in your life, you need to change the way you think, feel, and believe.
If you keep thinking thoughts like:
- I'll never have enough money to do what I want
- I always have relationships with the same type of person
- I've always done the same type of work, who am I to change
- I can’t clear my mind so meditation won’t ever work for me
...then those things WILL continue to be your reality.
But if you put your energy and effort towards turning all of those beliefs around, and knowing that you are always capable of growth and change, then you can create a whole new reality for yourself - whether you're 25 or 65 or 85.
More Than A Meatsuit is about lifting us all up into the energy of possibility, of change, growth, and healing.
It's about connecting with the quantum, the universal energy that flows through all of us to raise our vibrations (aka feel really effing good and positive and creative and tuned in) so that we have the energy to go after our dreams and best lives and best selves.
I don’t just “teach meditation” nor do I simply “coach” or read oracle cards.
I use all of these things (and mooooore!) to help you discover the part of YOU that knows who you really are, what you really want to experience in this lifetime, and exactly how to go about creating it.
I help you learn to trust yourself, to trust in possibility, and believe that you're more powerful than you can even imagine.
More Than A Meatsuit is for you if:
- You have BIG dreams for your life, and you’ve always wanted “more.”
- You long for a life that is 100% outside the “normal” life you were taught to expect by family and society, but “getting there” feels a little more murky, rocky, confusing, and lonely than you hoped it would.
- You do things like meditation, yoga, journaling, “manifesting” but you often fall off the wagon, procrastinate, and find 1,001 “better” things to do before you get to these practices that you know will make you feel better and you want to do them (so why the heck don’t you?!)
- You’ve had glimpses of the magic that happens when you follow your intuition, listen to guidance from your “higher self”, let go of your worries and fears and follow the signs, set a clear intention and “manifest” exactly what you desired...and you want MORE of that.
- You have a spiritual practice, but sometimes it feels like you’re the only one in your immediate world dedicated to this path.
I know you - and I know you can’t ever go back to being a muggle.
Once you’ve caught that glimpse outside the matrix, and seen that there’s more to YOU than just your “meatsuit” life, it’s too painful to go back.
I know, because I’ve been there.
You’ve seen the habits, patterns, thoughts, and beliefs that (used to) run your life for what they are -stories you’ve been telling yourself, that you now have a choice over.
You’re not destined for “normal,” you never were, and it’s 100% time to stop pretending.
Despite that, you’re still not where you want to be. Your greatest fear is that, honestly, life will always remain exactly how it is today - aka without further growth or expansion.
Without you feeling totally fulfilled, and filled up with meaning.
The good news is - you’re here, and you know you want to grow.
The More Than A Meatsuit Community is the on-going support system that’s been missing from your spiritual and personal growth practice.
It’s your missing link.
In the Buddhist tradition (where I first learned meditation), the “sangha” or community is seen as equally important to the human journey and awakening experience as the actual teachings of the Buddha.
Let me say that again because it’s SO important:
Having a community of like-minded humans by your side, going through the growth/expansion/healing/awakening process together is as important to that process as the teachings of an enlightened master.
We are here on earth having a human experience, which means we are social, community-based creatures who crave connection and support.
We “human” better when we have other humans supporting us, this is just simple fact.
We also "spiritual" better when we have other spiritual beings on our path reflecting back to us who we are, how connected we always are, and what is truly possible.
When we do the work of spiritual awakening and personal growth together, we learn from each other’s wins and successes. We have the evidence of what everyone in the group is going through, shifting, and accomplishing as proof that we can do it too.
(PS the brain looooooves having evidence and proof to back up any changes we are trying to make!)

"I wasn't skeptical that meditation wouldn't work, but it was more of the challenge of doing this every day. Well, I definitely faced some challenges that were presented to my OWN thinking, like "you have 10 other things to do and you're meditating?"
Ainslie is super patient, answers all (and I mean all) your questions (even if some of mine were a little silly), and is so supportive and helpful. You get so much more than're also getting like mini coaching sessions on life and what affects you as a person and how meditation can help with all of it. This lady is just so enthusiastic, so knowledgeable, funny, and a meditation badass. Thank you soooooo much!" - Grecya Vidal
"I’ve learned the many ways that a person can meditate from Ainslie, and that there is no right way to do it. I'm becoming more aware of myself, esp how I feel after taking the time to meditate. Now I'm regularly taking a few mins to clear my mind each day, whether it's walking my dog or in the shower. I really cherish those moments alone. I feel more relaxed after I meditate." - Michelle
The More Than A Meatsuit experience is based around the principle of community, support, and connection (to your higher self, the universe, the quantum, and each other.)

Every month in More Than A Meatsuit (MTAMS) you’ll get:
- A new 15-minute guided meditation on our monthly topic
- Weekly journal prompts + exercises to enhance and embody your insights + connection
- Monday Oracle card readings to begin the week with deeper guidance and wisdom than your everyday “thinking” mind has access to (everyone gets a chance for a personal reading!)
- Full Moon Tarot Reading + Ritual for the group to drop in deeper to the message and season of the full moon, and utilize this natural cycle to support our growth
- Weekly intention-setting + celebration check-in posts every Monday + Friday to support each other, and set clear practice intentions for the week (the secret sauce to really manifesting your dreams!)
- A monthly live Q+A call where you can ask questions around our topic, hang out with me + the group, and chat about anything going on in your practice/life that you’d like support around (this is SO FUN and really raises our energy and learning as we come together to share our insights)
- Monthly Bonus teachings on topics like EFT, Human Design, Law of Attraction, connecting with angels and guides, and so much more (opportunity to pick my brain for details on all the different subjects and modalities I’ve studied/practiced!)
- A private Facebook group where all this fun (and more) goes down, and you can always come to share, get support, and hang with like-minded folks.
One of my values is making and keeping support like this accessible to humans of all backgrounds and situations.
In Buddhism (and some other traditions) they have a practice called “dana” which translates as “generosity” and it is seen as a part of the practice on both sides. The teacher offers the teachings as an act of generosity, and the student offers monetary support with generosity in exchange.
I love this framing of selling/purchasing support, and would love to encourage you to make your payment with an attitude of generosity and gratitude. For the teachings and support, and for your own ability to pay for such support.
Membership in the MTAMS community is currently a $33/month investment (or $365/year if you pay in full - that’s one month free!) and you will secure this rate for as long as you stay in the group.
I don’t want to fully used-car-salesman you, but this is insane value considering I would normally charge that for an oracle card reading alone - and you’ll get one every week inside the group, plus everything else listed up above!
Sound good?
"Ainslie is a master at meditation-ing. Meaning, she takes a subject that has so much stigma attached to it, and brings it down to earth in such an understandable and fun way. Before working with her, meditation always felt like something I HAD to do, and HAD to do in a certain way. After working with her I feel like I can totally rock my own meditation style, which is making me WAY more likely to stick to it." - Sally Hope
"Ainslie has a way about her that is so inviting. I benefited so much from working with her and developing a regular meditation practice. I mean, this is a LIFE practice and she has started me on my journey. I recommend connecting with her to learn about how to get grounded and explore what it is to be truly mindful." - Tanya Beat
"Ainslie Greig is my spirit animal." - Abby Oliver
"Ainslie is awesome! She's totally down-to-earth and open and she's super-knowledgeable about all things meditation. She makes meditation so accessible. I really enjoyed working with her and highly recommend her to anyone looking to explore a meditation practice." - Kelsey Abbott
Ready to connect with your "more than a meatsuit" potential, and a community of new, like-minded friends?
“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll discover you’re more than a meatsuit.” - Your Higher Self, speaking about your journey of personal and spiritual awakening, probably