meatsuit. noun.
- Your physical body, and all the thoughts, beliefs, cultural programming, and habits that make up what you think of as "you" in the material world.
- Not, in fact, all that you are as an infinite, creative spiritual consciousness connected to all things in space and time.
Your life isn't meant to feel like a ride on the struggle bus.
Hey friend. I’m so glad you’re here, because I know that means you’ve realized there’s “more” to life than your physical reality, the thoughts you think, and the muggle existence you’ve been trying to fit into for most of your life 😉
More Than A Meatsuit is a community helping spiritual seekers and creative souls like you with daily practices to master your mind and energy, unlearn all the bs conditioning from the broken systems you’ve been raised in, making it possible to really create your life on your own terms, while contributing to re-creating a better (Bullshit Free™) world for the future.
“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” - Marianne Williamson
“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - J. Krishnamurti
Blog Posts
What To Do When You Think “Manifesting” Doesn’t Work
Do you think “manifesting” is a bunch of hocus pocus woo woo crap? Do you WANT to believe, but find your skeptical mind getting all up in the way? Or maybe you think it’s some white girl pseudo science privilege nonsense and you’d rather never hear about it eeeeeeever again?! I get it, I do. […]
How To “Go Quantum” + Manifest Your Desires
Have you tried “going quantum” yet? I don’t know about you, but it seems like everywhere I look lately someone is talking about “going quantum” to manifest whatever they’re wanting into their life. We’ve definitely moved beyond the days of creating a vision board and calling it done when you want to attract a new […]
Meditation Monday: Meditation to Get Out of a Funk
One of my favourite things to share with people is practical tools to improve their lives. Which is exactly what I think meditation in general is, and specific styles of meditation in particular will especially be. The paradox of meditation is this: when you come to it with the intention to just be 100% in […]
Meditation Monday: How To Make Meditation A Daily Habit
Hey hey! Welcome to the first instalment of a new FREE series I’m starting, called…..yup, you guessed it “Meditation Monday!” I know, super creative 😂 I want to help you fall in love with meditation as a tool to improve your daily life, your spiritual connection, your intuition, and like…. #allthethings Last week I mentioned […]
How To Be Happy Where You Are AND Excited For Where You’re Going
“My work is to be happy where I am and eager for the vortex to take me where I want to go!” – Abraham Hicks I woke up on Friday morning thinking of this, after what felt like a very dense, heavy week of working through shadows and putting a lot of “effort” into my […]
The 3-Step Process To Trusting Yourself (and never feeling like you “made a mistake” again!)
I want to share a lesson with you today that I think is one of the most important and valuable things I’ve ever learned. It literally cost me thousands of dollars (and many years)…but you get it right now for free because I just want you to know and implement it as soon as possible. The lesson […]
“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll discover you’re more than a meatsuit.” - Your Higher Self, speaking about your journey of personal and spiritual awakening, probably