your vibration. noun.
- The always-changeable energy field that you are, and that you emit, that draws all experience to you in life.
- Your connection to and with all things in existence, including the quantum field.
Feeling good is the secret.
What I really want you to know is this:
You create your reality with your thoughts, and your energy.
The “law of attraction” isn’t just a fun way to manifest a new car or a pile of cash or a cute Euro trip for the summer.
It’s the most basic, “spiritual” law of the universe:
- What you put out is what you get back.
- What you think about, you become.
- What you are, you attract.
- With your mind (and energy) you create your world.
Here’s what you really need to know to make this work in your life:
Whatever you think you want in your life (material stuff, experiences, etc) you want because you think it will make you feel a certain way.
You think it works like this:
- Money will give you freedom.
- A relationship will give you unconditional love.
- A plate of tacos will give you happiness.
- A 4-hour Bruce Springsteen concert will give you joy and wonder and awe (or is that just me? 😂)
But it really works like this:
- Your inner being/higher self just wants you to feel a certain way (free, loved, happy, joyful, in awe of the magic of life, etc) because that's how it's supposed to be, and it doesn't actually matter about the "things" - they are simply fun icing on the high vibe human experience cake!
- When you FIRST feel those feelings, you will attract the experiences and things into your life that help you feel MORE of those feels.
- When you learn to control your thoughts (aka let go of the old, unhelpful, negative ones and focus on new, future-based, positive ones) you will move forwards instead of staying stuck.
- If you don't know how to let yourself feel happy, free, loved, and so on the feelings you get from the material experiences will eventually fade and you'll be like "WTF this was supposed to make me HAPPY what do now?!"
It’s a big ol’ feels feedback loop, and the best way to hack it is to take charge of how you FEEL right now. Before any of that stuff shows up in your material, 3D existence. Because then, those experiences and things, and MORE, and BETTER, will have no choice but to become your daily lived experience. And you will genuinely enjoy them MORE, because your experience won't be conditional on them "making" you feel a certain way (bc you know the secret - it don't work like that!)
This is exactly what I've create my “Raise Your Vibration” coaching system to help you experience.
You start with feeling good.
With meditations and practices where you literally practice feeling the feelings.
You go quantum.
You learn how to take your power back from the places you’ve been letting it leak out, from the people, situations, and things you’ve been thinking “make” you feel a certain way.
And you realize that you were so much closer to your “dream life” than you even realized.
This is for you if you feel like you've been "doing the work" but are still stuck.
If you:
- Have creative, business, and life goals that you've been poking away at for a while, and you're like "something's gotta give" but it just hasn't yet.
- Feel like you've been "working hard" in the material world to "make" something happen and it hasn't arrived yet (this could be in a business, job, move, or any other life "goal.")
- Are doing "spiritual practices" but still have more Debbie Downer days than you'd like to, regularly "fall off the wagon" of your practice, and feel like it hasn't had the impact of making your life feel easy, free, joyful, and unique like you're always hoping it will.
- Are SO sick of NOT feeling amazing about yourself and your life and are ready to turn this car around like, yesterday.
I get regular feedback that my "Raise Your Vibration" practices and system have instant effects - more so than some clients have experienced in decades doing other types of "spiritual" practices and meditation.
And this has been my personal experience, too.
This work creates results within DAYS of beginning - sometimes THE DAY you begin (it's kind of mind blowing.)
Your life was never meant to be hard or feel crappy, though.
You aren't supposed to feel like you're living out the Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day IRL, repeating the same shit over and over while your big dreams wither and die until you croak.
That is not a cute journey for you, friend.
Listen, I know you need the dark to appreciate the light, and the contrast to know where you wanna go, yadda yadda - BUT your NATURAL way of being is connected to that universal flow of source energy - it’s just a matter of tapping back in to it more consistently.
And you do THAT by focusing on feeling good, on finding well being everywhere that you can, and unraveling the conditioning that stands in your way to believing this is possible.
You were created with the ability to make magic, bb.
To create your life, your world, and in turn THE world, in alignment with the vision you hold in your mind.
This is why you’ve always felt like there’s something missing, or you’re destined for “more.”
More what? More of everything!
More growth. More true satisfaction and fulfillment out of your life. More love, joy, creativity, and most importantly - more freedom.
Your soul - your inner being - your higher self - that part of you that just is - that part of you that knows things - it’s always known what true freedom feels like, and most of your life is spent trying to find that and experience it here in your earthly, meatsuited, human form.
And the fastest way to that is to focus on feeling good.
To Raise Your Vibration.
Oh hey, I’m Ainslie - More Than A Meatsuit founder.
I’ve always felt like an alien attempting to fit in to a world, and a bunch of systems, that never made any sense to me. From grade school and beyond, I’ve been questioning why we’re told we "should" do things a certain way - and instead finding my own way to a life that feels free, fulfilling, creative, and like it’s helping the world (actually, universe) shift into a new way of being.
Over the years I’ve realized this process of feeling free, living outside what's "normal" and doing work that challenges the status quo actually takes more unlearning of cultural programming, family patterns, and personal habits and fears than anything else. Basically, we’ve been allllll messed up by our past and we need to shed all those layers to become the fully expressed version of ourselves that we all so deeply desire.
Hear this: there's nothing wrong with you.
You're not broken.
You're an infinite, spiritual consciousness that's been stuffed into a human meatsuit and told to conform to an arbitrary set of rules decided a long time ago by some other humans who had it super twisted.
And it's time to set you free.
In Raise Your Vibration, we'll work together for 8 weeks to help you step into being who you want to be right now.
We're going to quantum leap you in any easier way than you probably ever imagined was possible.
We're going to “raise your vibration” up to where you feel good more often than you don’t. (I'm not gonna lie to your face - dips, "mood swings" and challenges are 100% normal in any human life, but it's how long you let the affect you for that really matters - and your bounce back is about to be lightening speed, yo!)
Your average, daily set-point is going to be allllllll about being present, optimistic, willing to see opportunity and positivity errrrrywhere. Which will just continue to attract more of the same, until you're like a good shit magnet and miracles are expected.
When your vibrational “set-point” rises up, you naturally see the bright side. And you’re less likely to spiral when something challenging does come up.
It’s a lot easier than you think to have your baseline be happy.
To be that friend or that family member who always sees the bright side, who does the cheerleading, and who can always be trusted for a supportive, kind, uplifting word.
Who regularly achieves what muggles would refer to as "unrealistic goals." Ha! You call that a Tuesday!
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Apply Now
Raise Your Vibration is an 8-week program where we'll work closely together to help you get super clear on the feelings you value in life, how they align with your big vision for your life - and most importantly, how to get you generating those feelings now to raise your vibe way, way, way UP.
If you're ready to go all in on this journey, tell me a little bit about yourself and where you're at right now, and I'll get back to you ASAP with next steps.
Can't wait to raise TF out of your vibe and watch you shine!!!
“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll discover you’re more than a meatsuit.” - Your Higher Self, speaking about your journey of personal and spiritual awakening, probably