You’ve probably heard people (ahem, me) talk about “raising your vibration” or your energetic set-point. But what does that actually mean? And how tf do you even do it?
Let’s break it down!
(and bring it down to earth / make it actionable so you can do the thing aka feel amazing.)

Think about how you feel right now. Just take a hot sec to check in.
However you feel, it probably feels “normal” to you. It feels like…you. Similar to how you felt yesterday, the day before, and how you will feel tomorrow if nothing changes (or even if something does.)
Give that feeling a rating on a scale 1-10, 10 being feeling AMAZING, like the best you can imagine ever feeling – energized, alive, inspired, like all your “dreams” or “goals” have come true.
1 being…reeeeeal shitty.
Where are you on that scale right now? Be honest.
That’s what we’re gonna call your “vibration.” Or your “energetic set-point.”
You could even think of it as your “personality” or your “mood.”
Everything (including you!) is energy vibrating at a certain frequency, and we all tend to have an average that we “vibrate” at.
Depending on what has been going on in our lives it may move up and down and bit, but it’s usually the same.
But wait!
I just said something SUPER IMPORTANT.
“Depending on what is going on in our lives” – see, most people’s vibrational set-point is only ever affected by EXTERNAL circumstances.
We think – if x happens, THEN I’ll feel great.
We make stuff, events, other people’s behaviour, even our own behaviour or actions determine how we allow ourselves to feel.
The external determines the internal, and we’re waiting hoping!) that one day something outside of ourselves will change so we can feel different internally, and change our set but.
Btw, “something outside” also applies to things you may actually be working towards – like a goal, because if WHILE you are pursuing the goal (taking actions) you’re still waiting for the end-point of that goal to occur before you feel happy or excited or accomplished about it – that is outside of you and determining how you feel right now!
And here’s the thing – you know you only attract MORE of what you are, what you focus on, and how you feel (or you should know that – it’s what I’m always talking about 😉)
So…if what you ARE is feeling like a 5 on that emotional set-point scale, but you WANT to feel an average of 8 BUT you think you will only feel that good IF an event happens but that is an 8 event..what do you think the chances of that happening, or REALLY feeling possible are, if you’re constantly at a 5?
It’s POSSIBLE, but unlikely based on what we just said about like attacting like, right?
What a pickle we find ourselves in.
But WHAT IF…there was a way to “raise your vibration” or your emotional set-point INDEPENDENT OF any external circumstances or event?
Yaaaaaaas please, am I right?
How TF To “Raise Your Vibe”
Well get your party pants on, because YOU CAN. (And I’ma teach you how!)
All you REALLY need to do to “raise your vibe” is to practice FEELING the feels of a “higher” vibration.
And that’s where we come to practices like meditation, yoga, changing your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, and learning how to make your personal state of being have NOTHING to do with external circumstances – including your own thoughts and old habitual ways of being.
Regular meditation practice is literally the best way I know to raise your vibe and start feeling like a 7, 8, or even a 10 as your daily starting point.
It helps us regulate our internal thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and let go of the hold they can have over us (which is generally why we feel how we have been feeling for so long!)
There’s A LOT more I want to say about this, but this post is already super long so I’m going to save it and continue tomorrow…we’ll talk about some more of the specifics about what it means to BE in a “lower” vibration vs a “higher” one (hint: it has a lot to do with living in survival vs abundance, and fight or flight feels.)
In the meantime…if you wanna start raising your vibe, that’s exactly what my 30 Days of Meditation is PERFECT for – begin at a 5 and end the month a 10!