I just got off the first live Q+A call with my More Than A Meatsuit community members, and we spent a lot of time chatting about signs and synchronicities.
Those little (or big) nudges from the universe in a particular direction, lessons that seem to keep showing up over and over, repetitive words, signs, numbers, songs, or even unexpected animals in your path.
You can ask for signs, if you’re wanting to confirm your “connection” to the universe, your higher self, guides, or whoever you believe in.
You can ask for and receive signs on a particular topic you may be wanting more information on.
Or they may just seem to show up out of the blue, nudging you in a certain direction, down a certain path.
Recently I’ve been paying attention to my reaction to the signs I feel like I’m seeing, and taking that as the actual sign.
Say a particular piece of information keeps coming to you, suggesting you do something, but your gut feeling is “nahhhh, don’t wanna do that!”
Paying attention to your reaction and feeling about the sign gives you the information you actually need to know how to proceed in that situation. As long as the “nah” isn’t attached to a lot of fear or doubt (you know, like when you do want something but you’re scared so you try to talk yourself out of it) and is a clear “nah” – you’re getting internal guidance and you’re good to go!
This is guidance from your “higher self” and this part of you ALWAYS knows what is in your best interest.
It’s easy to want to avoid or ignore signs and synchronicities when they seem to be saying something we don’t want to hear, teaching us a “hard” lesson, or maybe just feel a bit vague and confusing.
Which is why I think the real, valuable information is in your reaction TO the signs. That can be WAY easier to interpret (but you gotta be honest with yourself!)
Just like with everything else in life – how you react to something determines how you feel and what your experience of life is.
Even NOT seeing signs or synchronicities and WANTING to is an indication of something – in that case, I would wager it’s that you’re not trusting yourself to make a choice or move forward without some outside guidance. To which I would say….all the guidance you could ever need is inside you, and you always have access to it if you spend a minute connecting in to yourself and asking what you really want or need to know right now.
Place your hand on your heart, and ask your higher self (inuition) for whatever information and guidance you need right now, to make whatever decision you may be wanting to make. I promise it’s there.
This is what we’ve been talking about, and practicing with, inside the More Than A Meatsuit Community for the month of June, and it’s been so much fun to see everyone develop this connection with their higher selves, receive guidance, the occasional real-talk-higher-self-ass-whooping, and a clearer sense of how they can best make this connection + receive guidance (because obvi we’re not all the same – so some hear a clear “voice”, while some just have that “gut knowing” and others are somewhere inbetween.)
If you missed joining us at the beginning of June, you can still hop in now to get the Higher Self + Intuition meditation, workbook, and journal prompts – as well as access to the private Facebook group where we’ve been chatting and I’ve been sharing oracle and tarot card readings a couple times a week (fresh one dropping tomorrow for the solstice!)
New content also JUST dropped for July, and our new topic is Raise Your Vibration – so if you wanna spend the next month focusing on feeling SO GOOD, becoming a magnet for your desires, and having a lil summer spiritual connection party…
You can hop on over here to join us, feel free to reach out if you have any q’s!